
Personal Loans

Get the loan you need for the things you want

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We have solutions to make your dreams come true

Dime Personal Loan products are an excellent way to cover unplanned expenses or make a special purchase.

Why a Personal Loan?

Flexible terms & great rates

Consolidate debt or finance short term projects

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Whatever your need, our Personal Loans can help:

  • Consolidating debt
  • Lowering monthly payments
  • Buying that new car
  • Pulling off the perfect wedding
  • Covering unplanned medical expenses…and more

Our loans are designed to please:

  • Competitive fixed rates
  • Flexible terms and options
  • Prompt local decisions and servicing for the life of the loan
  • Option for convenient automatic loan payments
  • Friendly, personal service – every time

And we offer a range of products:

  • Personal Loans
  • Collateral Loans
  • Vehicle Loans (Auto, Boat, Motorcycle, etc.)
  • Mobile Home Loans
  • Demand Unsecured Loans

We want to help you realize your dreams

At Dime Bank we strive to be the best community bank in Connecticut and Rhode Island by helping you realize your financial goals…

Dime’s full line of Loan Products – home mortgages, equity lines, personal loans, and more – are part of the plan. Whether you are buying a new home, tackling a major renovation, buying that new car, or pulling off the perfect wedding, we have a range of custom-designed loan products to meet your specific needs and help make your dreams come true.